If you have any of the following you will still need to file an IR3:
+ You have received schedular/withholding payments for contract work after 1st April 2018
+ You have permanently departed New Zealand after 1st April 2018
+ You have arrived into New Zealand after 1st April 2018
+ You have received additional income such as Rental, Self-Employment or Income Without Tax after 1st April 2018
+ Inland Revenue have advised you that you need to file an IR3 return for 2019
The IRD will automatically process returns for salary and wage earners but we can still check this for you. Otherwise you can just wait for IRD to send you a refund or ask you for payment depending on the result.
At the end of each tax year some taxpayers need to confirm the amount of personal income tax to be paid. This is done by filing an Individual income tax return (IR3). If an IR3 is required for any year (due to partial year returns, schedular payments, overseas income, etc) we have a charge of $90 for that years return.
We are still checking and paying out refunds for clients who would like us to for the 2019 Tax Year. IRD are going to be doing refunds automatically for those who are just regular wage/salary earners, however you do have the choice of still using a tax agent if you wish. For our small fee of $39 we can check that your automatic calculation is correct.